I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I have been busy.
A big part of the spell casting redesign was an issue with Unity3d’s matchmaking system. There is a limit to how much bandwidth that can be used, and I was hitting that limit due to the nature of the spell prefabs I was using. Now instead of a prefab for each spell there is a prefab for each spell type and the effects get assigned when the spell is cast. This brings the amount of data that needs to be sent to the server/clients down by a lot.
The second part of the redesign is a scripting system. I have been looking into several ways of doing this, but I haven’t committed a lot of actual code yet. There is quite a bit to consider with this, and I want to get it right.
Lastly I have also been looking into some AI for the champion servers. These will be large battle fields with a boss creature. When these events run, the groups that take down the champion will receive weighted loot drops. As of right now all items are cosmetic for either your player or your house.
The menu for the game is going to be a small mini game that allows you to go to a market, use a magical portal to join servers, has a house for you to decorate and display any awards you may have earned, and use a chest in your house to customize your mage.